What is cholesterol?

It is an important component of metabolism. It "floats" in the blood is taken up by cells and is localized mainly in cell membranes. A man "contains" about 150 g cholesterol. Vital substance, it is used by the body as a building material in the production of acids, hormones and vitamin D.

The risk of high cholesterol

Cholesterol can penetrate the walls of the arteries, which over time form the storehouse. So arise so-called "Particle" fat (atheroma) that can break suddenly and can clog arteries. That's what makes it dangerous risk present in excess cholesterol. The consequences can be fatal: myocardial infarction, stroke, acute disorders of blood circulation in the legs. Abrupt closure of the coronary arteries can lead to heart death.
Frequently, blood vessels, cholesterol change because they and limescale, which leads to sclerosis of vessels (arteriosclerosis). Smoking, hypertension and diabetes worsens this process and increase the risk of complications in the functioning of blood vessels.

"Good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol

Total blood cholesterol consists of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.
The high values ​​of LDL are considered "bad", because LDL is deposited in the arteries and lead to atherosclerosis. The high values ​​of HDL are considered instead, as "good" because HDL combat limescale on vessel walls. When the total cholesterol above 200 mg / dl, the doctor is obliged to separately measure LDL's and HDL's to more accurately assess the risk of arteriosclerosis installation. LDL cholesterol greater than 160 mg / dl is considered high, while that of more than 190 mg / dl, as dangerous. HDL's are considered too low when falls below 40 mg / dl.

What values ​​are normal?

In principle, a total of 200 mg / dl cholesterol is considered to be normal. The risk of progression to atherosclerosis is, in this case reduced. Preventive cholesterol levels should be measured every year. Blood for analysis is taken on an empty stomach, which means not to be eaten, 5 hours before, and not be drinking liquid calories.

Normal values

When should we treat?

When there is no evidence of the existence of venous disease, high cholesterol may remain untreated with medication. What's not true if there is a disease of the veins, such as narrowing of the coronary or carotid artery, or when there are other risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, family tensions. In their absence, values ​​around 200 mg / dl does not require harsh drug treatments. But there is a risk that health to worsen, for ten years at a rate of 20-40% is recommended drug therapy. Very good is naturist treatment, but in severe cases, is more lasting than drug therapy. In principle, experts estimate that almost always about 20-40% of those who get in excess of cholesterol shows for 10 years suffering severe blood vessels. A risk that gives back significantly if your cholesterol drops by about a quarter.



Use more fiber : whole grains , prunes , fresh orange juice (very good for that restore lipid balance ) , beets , carrots , celery , cabbage , spinach, nettles , lettuce , okra,nuts etc


Nuts lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots and is beneficial against heart disease. In addition, there may be a good treatment to rid the body of parasites, such as tapeworm.


Goji fruit consumption: goji fruits contain a high amount of vitamin C , B2 , B6 and E and amino acids. They help to lower "bad" cholesterol , helps maintain normal blood sugar levels , help your liver and kidneys and regulates blood pressure .


Squeeze half a lemon into a glass and half boil a pint of water. The cook until tender bark . Fresh juice tea drink mix and half night and half the morning, half an hour before meals .

Fish and fish oil

Fish , for Omega 3. Ideal substitute for meat, fish, especially the ocean, contains Omega 3 fatty acids, leading to lower "bad" cholesterol. Ideally, you should eat three times a week - preferably mackerel, tuna, fresh salmon, canned sardines.
Fish Oil - taking two capsules of 1000 mg per day. They contain the most active forms of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 Capsules

Red onion

It is rich in sulfur, which increases the "good" cholesterol, and inquercetina, an antioxidant that combats LDL. Owes its color red onion flavonoids also beneficial.

Mustard grains

Take 1/2 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach with water, train a decrease LDL by about 7%.

Olive oil

Numerous studies have shown that it lowers LDL's (bad cholesterol) and raise them on the site of HDL (good) cholesterol. It is enough to eat 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day to lower cholesterol, significantly, in one week. Use it as often, both in cooking and in processed impassable by fire.


Try to eat every day at least a clove of garlic. The bulbs contain a sulfur compound called allicin, which produces an unpleasant smell, but significantly decreases cholesterol.

A glass of wine

Alcohol - in whatever form - increases good cholesterol levels, provided they are drinking moderately. Which means: one drink per day for women and two drinks for men. By a "drink" means hard alcohol 25 ml, 125 ml of wine and 250 cl beer. If you exceed these doses, the drawbacks are greater than the benefits. Red wine has the advantage of anti-oxidants provide highly beneficial for the heart.

Anti-cholesterol drink

To prepare an anti-cholesterol drink, pour a cup of soy milk in mixing bowl, add two tablespoons of flaxseed soaked beforehand, and some red fruit, fresh or frozen. Mix all ingredients. Soy protein and flaxseed do to decrease the bad cholesterol and raise him on the right, while the fiber contained in red fruits lead to lower overall cholesterol values​​.


They are a rich source of Omega 3 and soluble fiber. After you are given the coffee grinder, mix them with yogurt and cereal for breakfast. 2 tablespoons of seeds per day - lowers cholesterol by about 18%! Chew them well, because nefaramitate enough to pass through the digestive tract without and Délivré content.


People who have "bad" cholesterol should avoid :

alcohol - in large amounts
carbonated Beverages
minced meat
Spicy spices
ice cream
cream , cheese and milk fat

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