Retezat National Park (Carpathian Mountains of Romania) - Fauna and Flora

About "Retezat"

Retezat Mountains are part of the Southern Carpathians, Retezat-Godeanu group. It covers an area of ​​over 38,138 ha. It stands between two major depressions, Petrosani and Haţeg between two major rivers, Great River, North and West Jiu the south.
The highest peak is Peleaga Peak with an altitude of 2509m.
Here is a world of lakes scattered among towering peaks, thousands of plants of all colors, a nimble chamois rock climbers to bear grunting, hiding the raspberry, the wolf cubs shy and thoughtful, a noisy and playful marmots.



Vertebrate species



In rivers meet "cicarul", Eudontomyzon Danford, one of the three species of agnate in Romania, whose presence is further proof water quality Retezat Mountains.

Cicarul is a fish parasite that feeds exclusively on the blood of fish, birds and marine mammals that they parasitize. Attach the victim's skin tight with his mouth circular, cup-shaped. After this preliminary stage, they use their teeth to the original form to make a small incision, and then begin to feed on the blood resulting from the wound.


More than half of the amphibian species found in Romania, totaling 11 species can be found in Retezat.

- Triton (Triturus vulgaris ampelensis)

The male is 17 cm, female 10 cm. The tail is longer than the body. The color of spring, the male is greenish-yellow earth back later yellowish-brown, the sides of the head, trunk and tail with one longitudinal stripe dark brown, light yellowish ventral spotless. The tip of the tail, the bottom is yellow-orange, with large spots, blackish above with a bluish-white stripe.
In March, the marshes small mountainous males come first, then over 3-4 weeks and females appear reproduction occurs. After laying eggs and leaving water withdrawn under stones, in moss, under the rotten trunks. They prefer forested areas. Hibernate on land, sometimes in water.

- Red frog mountain

The body is sturdy, solid, length 10-15 cm. Head more long than wide. The muzzle is blunt and rounded. She lives in forests and grasslands, at altitudes ranging from 1000 to 2000 m practice can be found in any habitat humidity high enough to ensure survival. It reproduces in large puddles, temporary or permanent.
It is a predominantly terrestrial species resistant to low temperatures. Individuals can begin their spring migration and reproduction even snow can occur before complete melting of the ice crust. It is crepuscular-nocturnal, active only during the day or after rain. It feeds on worms, mites, molluscs, insects, hunting more towards evening, avoiding the heat.

- Salamandra

Strictly terrestrial species. It is a nocturnal and crepuscular. The dry time is very rare. Winters under bushes and grasses, the muscles under rocks. Despite heavy appearance, it can move very quickly when threatened.
Body heavy, large, up to 20 cm, is sturdy, solid and stocky, with shorter tail than the body, cylindrical, without edges. Diamond head is flattened dorso-ventral width greater than the length. Eyes large, prominent, dark brown almost black iris. Short, strong legs with fingers slightly widened.
The coloring is warning the animals in an emergency eliminating toxic secretion.

Puppies have short and branched external gills have feet and a crest on the extended dorsal caudal membrane. They are gray or red, green or gold with a metallic sheen and brown spots irregularly distributed; abdomen whitish to orange.


- Lizard mountain

The total length of the male is 12 to 15 (rarely 17) inches, in the 6-9 cm tail of the female to the 18 cm of the stem 10 cm.
Climb up to 2300 m, the meadows and pastures, preferring moist and poorly heated. It hides under rocks, tree bark, in holes under the roots. Depending on the latitude and altitude of the area you inhabit, spring returns by April-May, mating takes place in May-June. It feeds on various insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, caterpillars. It reproduces by ovoviviparitate the height of summer.

- Viper

It is quite easy to recognize, because the band dark brown, sometimes black, zig-zag on the back and a V (or X) drawn on her head, which is partly true because the variety of colors of the species is quite high : A silver-gray to brownish-gray.
It is a diurnal species that seeks the sun's heat from the early days of sunshine after the hibernation period (November to March), in order to raise the body temperature in summer remains active even during the night.
I am deaf and short-sighted, but very sensitive to vibrations. Attack only to defend themselves when approaching them too ... intimate, as they are caught and I threatened.
Are harmless as long as we approach them more than they're lengths.


- Trout

Its main habitat is the water at altitudes above 1000 m .Reaches 25-30 cm in length and 0.8-1.6 kg, exceptionally reaching 50-90 cm in length and 15 kg weight. It has gray-blue or green behind darkened flanks and belly silvery white.
Spawning occurs in October-December, when about 1,000 eggs are deposited / kg body the chickens will come in the spring. The survival rate is extremely low of 1,000 eggs mature and in turn reaching only 1-3 trout breeding.

- Nisiparnita

Nisiparnita can reach that length, up to 12 cm and 10.5 cm male female. It has a cylindrical body, the skin is thin, almost transparent. On the back and side is colored in shades of brown to dark brown and yellow spots on the abdomen is yellowish-white with silvery reflections. Pointed head with long whiskers and six small mouth. Has a long thin front spin with two peaks close.
Nisiparnita feeds on insects, small crustaceans, larvae, mollusks and worms

- Lostrita

It is the largest salmon in our waters, reaching impressive so copies were reported over 30 kg in our country
The body is cylindrical, big mouth, armed with strong teeth.
In general color is silver with darker backs, brown-amber, reddish on the sides. They prefer areas with strong current, hiding under waterfalls, stumps, stones etc. Generally lives in pairs.
They prefer to hunt at dusk and at night, no living animal who can fit in your mouth does not slip, is a true predator, insects, fish, frogs, salamanders, mice, small birds are all water huck attacked with fury.
In a hole dug in the gravel tail, the female lays about 2,000 eggs / kg. Submission sometimes lasts 2-3 days, during which the pair feeds and vigorously defend their nest. The nest is guarded by the pair to go further and begin to feed chickens.


The number of bird species found in high mountain valleys and reservoirs nearby area is great for a mountainous area. These totals 185 species, representing about half of the bird species in Romania.

- Mountain eagle

It is a bird of prey type, size is 85-90 cm, the female is larger than the male. Body color is brown, golden in the front, docked tail is whitish head lighter, sometimes golden yellow. Young people have darker colors. The beak is brown, yellow to root and feet have fingers yellow, black nails, curved and very sharp. The eggs, two in number, are deposited at intervals of 3-4 days in late March and early April. They are dull, have rough skin, white, or spots brown, violet-brown or light gray. Incubation lasts 43-45 days, there is only one brood per year, hatching hen sometimes both partners. Chicks are able to fly at 63-70 days. At first they are covered with white or gray fluff with dark eye area. Chicken stronger we eliminate the weakest. It feeds on mice, snakes, kids of deer, rabbits, squirrels, martens, fox chickens, quail, grouse, fresh bodies.

- Serpar

It is a bird of prey that hunts mainly snakes and other reptiles. Day, standing on tall trees which provide the possibility to control a wide field of vision.
It reproduces from April to July each year and building another nest usually placed in tall trees or groves of skirts. Deposit a single egg which may reverberate negatively on the current conditions in the birth rate.

- Peregrine falcon

It is a bird of prey with a length of 38 cm and a wingspan of 101 cm. It is one of the largest hawks and has a short beak and crooked, specifically birds of prey. It has a light color on the neck and chest, black crown and "mustache" black, in contrast to the girl, who is white. Upper body is striped with gray, black and white under the wings and the belly is mottled. White and gray bands are seen on the short tail. Both sexes resemble in appearance, the female is larger.
Hunt small birds, ducks, bats and small mammals. Peregrine falcon has a capacity of one record and may descend on its prey with 320 km / h Can trace its prey at speeds of 112 km / h During the flight has an average speed of 40-55 km / h
The female lays two to five eggs, reddish-brown color with dark points. Both males and females participate in hatching eggs, which lasts 29-32 days. After the egg hatch, the female remains in the nest to protect the male hunts. After 35-42 days, the young leave the nest, but not removed until perfected their flying and hunting style.

- Capercaillie

It's a rare bird that lives in Retezat mountains. It looks dark and black, looked away. The skin around the eyes is bright red. Bill, which is becoming stronger and stronger with age is similar to that of birds of prey. Fan-shaped tail has dissolved and is composed of 16 to 18 feathers and doubled underneath.
Capercaillie tones can be heard during mating. Most developed senses are sight and hearing.
It is one of the most cautious birds and therefore it is hard to see. The only time you can approach it is time turn (April-May). During this period, he arranges "scene" on a tree branch he cleans all the small twigs, fluff up and starts to "spin". This is the only time, being very focused in attracting female, we can approach him and see him quietly.

- Little owl

It is a sedentary species, lives in coniferous forests, nesting in hollows. It feeds on mice, insects and sometimes makes its food in the hollows near the nest.

- Black Stork

Black Stork is almost completely black plumage with metallic green and violet reflections. Only the abdomen is white. Legs and beak are long, with a strong orange-red coloration. The young have dark beak and yellow feet. The body length is 90-100 cm, wingspan of 1.1 to 1.45 cm and weighing 2.5 to 3 kg.
Black Stork feeds on fish, insects, frogs, snakes catch you walking slowly through shallow water or wetlands.
Usually, black storks nesting in the tall old trees and rarely on rocks, in places difficult to access. Can handle and abandoned nests of some large predators. Nest is a massive structure of branches of different sizes. The female lays 2-4 eggs in one series per year. The incubation period is about 30 days. Both parents participate in raising chickens have feathers ready to fly after about 60 days.
Because it is rare black stork is a difficult species to photograph. It can get very successful shots near nesting sites. Hunting of this species is prohibited.


Mammals determined so far in Retezat National Park in the number of 55 species representing over 23% of Europe's land mammals which once again shows the diversity of habitats found here.

- Wolf

It's like a dog wolf gray color (gray), gray-yellow, gray-reddish or brownish-gray. It has relatively large size, 35-50 kg.
It is considered the most dangerous predator, he attacks and consume any animal, from rabbit to deer and cats to bears baby bear and even younger. Where there are many wolves, jackal not resist, and the fox is unheard of. It is not exclusively carnivorous as eating and ripe fruit, corn and other vegetables.
Unlike other predators, wolves are social. Live in packs consisting of leading pair and offspring of that year.
None enemies, in addition to humans and diseases.

- Brown bear

The body of a brown bear is massive and reaches about 2.5 m in length and weigh up to 600 kg.
Senses that underlie most are hearing and smell.
It is omnivorous, for which its teeth are adapted - strong canines, molars rounded. Their food change as they age, moving from berries, acorns, honey, cereals, small and medium grass animal (fish, poultry, sheep). Eat and incorrupt corpses in the absence of anything else.
In Romania, in the Carpathian Mountains, lies the largest number of brown bears in Europe (currently approx. 6,000). They are long-lived animals, living up to 30 years in the wild and even more than 20 years in captivity.

- Carpathian Lynx

It is currently the largest wildlife cat in Romania, called the Carpathian panther.
Carpathian Lynx is a powerful animal and endurance, agility and quickness astounding. Is up to 1.5 m long with a tail of 15 to 25 cm. Characteristic elements are favorites on the upper jaw, black tail tip and the ear tip (that 4-5 cm) has tufts of black hairs.
It is a carnivore and lover of blood, consuming the bodies of animals hunted primarily with significant blood meal (heart, liver, lungs). Extremely agile, moving silently, extremely difficult to see the unknown. If its usual prey is the deer and chickens deer today, rafters, chickens and wild birds if they could even attack domestic animals, if they are in his area. Although usually bury their prey that he could not eat it, the need is scavenger.
Lair is hidden in places as remote and inaccessible - stâncărişuri, tangled and thorny bushes, hollows at height
May jump from heights of over 6 feet directly on prey and can destroy in a few moments a group of 2-3 deer. His jumps can pass 4 m (even 6 m). Has highly developed hearing and smell, and it is particularly good eyesight. This sense allows it to be highly effective and the day, although it is usually active in the evening and night.

- Black goat

It is a real pride of our country and lives on alpine ridges, hard to reach even the most experienced climbers. Mammalian herbivore, chamois rarely makes its presence felt. During the summer months, wander alpine meadows at altitudes of over 1800 meters. With the arrival of winter descend to lower altitudes (below 1100 meters), where you can shelter in mountain forests, but will remain almost the rocky slopes of the mountains.
Diurnal, chamois most of its activities during the day, retreating at sunset in places inaccessible to predators. Extremely agile and resistant chamois can travel up to 50 km / hour on steep or rough terrain.
Black goat feeds on various grasses, alfalfa, lichens, moss, hardwood cuttings.
Usually, the female gives birth to a single offspring and, rarely, 2-3.
Puppies are born in May and June, and most infants kids can follow their mother immediately after calving.
If the mother is killed, others take the place of the woman, caring kids.
Life expectancy at chamois is 14-22 years.

- Wildcat

It lives mainly in forests and rocky places where they can hide easily but also wetlands with reed less accessible. Wildcat is a shy animal that forbid people because of this is seen very hard. It is a solitary and territorial animal that hunts mostly at night. They are most active early in the morning or evening. If you can not hunt feeds and corpses left by larger animals.
Main food is the mice and birds. Attack but also rabbits, hamsters, rats. Exposed its attacks are primarily ground nesting birds, including pheasant and partridge.
It is endowed with excellent hearing and sight, and smelling good. See well in the dark.
They mate once a year, they give birth to 1-8 young, just in case the chicken runs (are born dead or die during breastfeeding) mate a second time. Puppies begin to hunt alone at 10-12 weeks to one year of age set their territory.

- Otter

Otter presence is closely linked to the existence of food resources.
Existence of places rich in fish, otter draws way up the mountain, at 1,500 meters, near trout streams. Sometimes looking favorable places, watershed passes over the crest of the mountains.
The main assortment of food is the otter fish of all shapes and sizes. Besides fish, otters eat crayfish, amphibians, snails, birds and water rats.
Otters can reproduce throughout the year and puppies can be born in both winter and summer, but females can give life to chicken generally every two years. After birth, the female remains just over half a year with her ​​cubs.
It is a nocturnal animal and auroral activity. Chickens can be easily trained by humans.

- Alpine marmot

Alpine marmot can dig galleries in the soil that can penetrate any man with a pickaxe. An Alpine marmoset may weigh from 4 to 8 kg and has a length of between 42 and 54 cm (the tail, which measures an average of 13 to 16 cm).
It feeds on plants with soft stems, leaves and flowers of herbs, but also insects, spiders and worms. Consume large quantities for sufficient fat to store for long periods of dormancy. To feed, leaving the den in the cold mornings and afternoons. Do not stand the heat, and hot summer days nor feeds. Search the youngest plants and succulents, which then keeps paws prior to nibble.
Dig their burrow under rocks. Each burrow lives one family. Construction may have more room. Large living spaces are lined with dry grass and ends galleries are toilets.
Number of chicks at birth is 3. Chicks are helpless, have closed their eyes and their fur grows dark days. Weaning occurs after 40 days, the pups are venturing outside the den and looking solid food immediately.
In October retreat underground to start their winter sleep. Alpine Marmot spend up to nine months of the year in hibernation.

- Bat

The bat is the only flying mammal. He communicates by sharp sounds called ultrasonic sounds can not be heard by humans. Bat wings are actually "hands". The wings are formed by joining the fingers of a diaphragm. The head is small and oblong, has a wide mouth, very small eyes and ears have long pavilions.
The body size of a mouse, is short, stocky, slightly skeleton consisting of thin bones. Has a quick bat and zigzag flight. It is a nocturnal animal that lives in caves Retezat. Is very active at night and during the day sleeps hanging upside down. Teeth are the book. Bats are considered ecological indicators.
Bat feeds on insects which they catch in flight, with very sharp teeth that have tips like these that shatter the insect body.
Breeding females bats gestation periods are between 44 days and 8 months in different species. By May, a young female bat born blind and hairless that it feeds on milk produced by mothers. When is small, baby, clinging to mother's chest hair.


Retezat is famous floral diversity, hosting nearly 1190 species of higher plants of over 3450 known in Romania. Existence here more than a third of Romanian flora is one of the reasons why it was declared a National Park. To this is added an equal number of lower species.
Great importance have 130 plants and rare or vulnerable.

- Edelweiss

It is located on the cliffs of Retezat Mountains, Edelweiss is a very rare plant. For this reason it was declared a natural monument and is protected by law since 1931.
The stem is straight and can reach up to 20-30 cm tall. This is covered in soft bottom leaves of different sizes placed all around the stem in a circle. Numerous and small flowers, composed of pure white petals are arranged so that a single impression of a star-shaped flowers. Met often on rocky ridges and plateaus increasingly rare mountain edelweiss root has remained fixed in little land between grooves carved into the limestone cliffs.
The whole plant is covered with velvety silver hairs that protect the leaves and flowers of wind.
It can be seen blooming in July and August.

- Bells (Campanula carpathica)

Bells are fragile plants, but very beautiful.
Carpathica Campanula blooms from June to September, has purple flowers and loves sunny areas but can be found in semi-shaded areas.

- Lady slipper (Cypripedium calceolus)

Lady slipper orchid is very rare species, with a delicate and impressive colors.
It is an annual plant, which rises in the spring. Strain shows only 3-5 leaves and a single flower on top, like a moccasin, something which earned him the name "slipper". The plant grows until it reaches a maximum height of 20-30 cm. Orchid blooms from July to September.
The plant prefers to be fully or partially exposed to the sun, but resist something shady areas.
Plants form a small group of green leaves. Peak strain wears a bright yellow flower.

- Mountain curechi ((Ligularia sibirica)

Curechi mountain is a herbaceous perennial plant that reaches 80-150 cm tall. Basal leaves and lower stems very long petiole, triangular ovate. Yellow flowers were blossom. Flowering period is in July.

- Snowdrop

It has about 15 inches tall and blooms in January and February in the northern temperate zones. The bulb is globose, covered with brown tunics. At the base of the stem are two blue-green leaves, linear. Sometimes snowdrops not wait to melt snow so come out since February. Well enough to withstand frost and grow best when the outside temperature is below 5 degrees Celsius ..
From snowdrops extract galanthamine, a nutrient soporific, and is used in treating Alzheimer's disease.

- Sangele Voinicului (Sturdy blood)

"Sangele Voinicului" is a plant of the family Orchidaceae and is one of the 58 species of orchids that can be found in Romania. Their flowers - inflorescence cone - even rubies shining in the sun. Their characteristic odor, reminiscent of vanilla, is so poignant, that this bloody ornament can be felt from a distance. Bloom starting in May-June to August-September.

- Degetarul Pitic Alpin (Thimble Dwarf Alpine)

It is a herbaceous perennial primulaceelor ​​family that grows in mountainous areas generally found in clearings in the forest, being a delicate flower like a pink bell fringes, fruit is a capsule. It has a height up to 25 cm and blooms in May and June.

- Mountain Peony

Mountain peony grows spontaneously in dwarf shrubs in alpine area. Being a plant that grows under very specific climatic and relief, he did not tolerate transplanting, which makes it impossible to insert it into gardens. The beauty of its flowers that exude a cherry-like odor and flavor, and usually occur in late June and early July, and its rarity makes mountain peony plant to be protected and protected as such in the National Park area Retezat.Mountain peony is evergreen and retain green leaves throughout the year.

- Rhodium

It is up to 2-4 m high, deciduous lanceolate and not very large, bright green color with large flowers solitary or gathered in groups at the tip of the branches, the bright red, with single or double flower varieties, which can be red, pink or white, blooms in June-August and gives a sour edible fruit.

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- Primrose

Primrose is a small plant of about 10-30 cm tall. It grows in meadows and clearings, meadows, and in the mountainous regions. The earth has a very small rhizome, from which grow short and thick roots. Rhizome ends in a bud blooming during spring season. Primrose blooms in May and the flowers have a golden yellow color and spread a very pleasant smell. From this plant are used: roots, flowers, and sometimes leaves

- Spruce (Picea abies)

It is a species of the family conifers that can grow to heights of 60 m and trunk diameters up to 2m.
Conical-pyramidal crown is due to growth in increasingly short branches from the bottom.
Spruce flowers are unisexual, monoecious, the male produces more pollen, true yellow clouds in the wind, spring.
Female flowers turn into cones, in which the host seed scales.
The upper limit of the Eastern Carpathians is 1500-1550m altitude and in the 1700-1800m is Southern.
As tree isolated spruce climb to 2000m in the mountain Rodna and Caliman.

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- Carpathian Zada

It is a resinous tree that can grow up to 50m tall with a straight trunk, well connected with crown airy and bright.
The leaves are needle-shaped, soft, light green, caught in several bundles, form a brush.
Zada is the only softwood deciduous us.
The cones are formed by installments, matured at 3-5 years. They are ovoid, small, brown and grow pointing upward.

- Black pine (Pinus cembra)

Black pine is an exotic species well adapted in the south-west of the country.
In this climate with Mediterranean influences he turns to less demanding conditions, vegetation on steep slopes may, limestone, exposed to excessive heat and dryness.
Growth is slow to he lived over 1000 years

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