Healthy menus for breakfast

It is important that the menu be balanced in protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Porridge : you need fat milk or unsweetened soy milk , oatmeal , some chopped raw almonds and a tablespoon of raisins. Oatmeal should be left to soak at least 30 minutes.

Smoothie : you need a large avocado , ripe, 2 tablespoons of soy milk , fresh fruit and ice cubes . Mix in a blender until mixture becomes creamy .

Sandwich : you need black bread toast with peanut butter or almond . Bread can be put in a hot oven for a few minutes , depending on your preference . Peanut or almond butter can buy at health food stores or can be prepared at home with a food processor .

Drink "smoothie" made ​​of: skim milk, Greek yogurt weak, banana ice cream, one or two tablespoons of flax seed and one or two tablespoons of peanut or almond butter and ice.

Oats with Vanilla and Cherries: oats cooked on low heat with dried cherries, plus seeds and vanilla extract. Above all pour warm honey.

Also recommended for breakfast and tea . For example, fennel and mint tea regulates digestion. Winter is ideal cinnamon tea .

Avoided for breakfast as coffee and sugar , stimulants that raise your heart rate and make you feel stressed.

Nor any drop indicated based only on carbohydrates : eg sugar cereals or fried preparations .

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